How far in advance should you book domestic flights? We recommend booking domestic flights between 1–3 months in advance of your domestic trip (unless you're traveling during peak season or a popular holiday).

How much does a travel agent cost? The cost of using a travel agent is generally marginal, and often, they won't charge you at all. Much of their money comes from commissions the hotels and wholesalers pay them. Before you decide to book with a travel agent, inquire whether or not they charge fees.

In the U.S., please contact American Airlines or American Eagle at +1 (844) 540–1115 or 1-844-866-4009 for further information.

We will provide you with timely and complete information on delta.com or, upon request, by calling +1(888) 346–0925

. Information on aa.com is available by following the links below: Cancellation Policy. Aug 29, 2023

Fly the cheapest days: On U.S. flights, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are usually the cheapest days to fly. On international flights, weekdays are generally cheaper than weekends (but not always). Sign up for airfare alerts: This will alert you to the best airfare deals in real-time.

In the U.S., please contact American Airlines or American Eagle at +1 (844) 540–1115 or 1-844-866-4009

 for further information. If assistance is needed in Spanish, you may dial +1 (844) 540–1115 or 1-844-866-4009


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